Welcome to the Fredericks Art Blog

Welcome to my world of art. Painting is my joy of life.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Change of Seasons

The season of change is upon us and the glory of autumn draws near.  Autumn saves the best colours in her palette for the month of October. This work began its life along Devils 4 Mile Road north of the village of Havelock.  I have repainted it a couple of times and it gets a little better each time.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

In the Heat of Summer

This work (16"x20") began above the dam in Marmora, Ontario. I took a lot of poetic license in painting it. But, the reality is, I saw a painting in the scene which was more interesting then the scene itself.
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Friday, August 5, 2011

Duke's Plantation, Barbados

artist: Fredericks
year: 2007

I painted this work a few years ago in Barbados. The setting is one of Barbado's most frequently photographed and visited locations. While it is a scenic location it also as a rather tragic story behind it. I was told that in the 19th century, the lady of the plantation, was riding in her buggy above the gap and her horse spooked and plunged over the edge and she died as a result of the fall.

Who would have thought that such tragedy could lie behind such a beautiful place.

The picture is part of the personal art collection of the owner of the estate.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Serenity Bay

click on picture to enlarge

This dreamlike picture is about as far away from the blasted pines of the Group of Seven as you could possibly get. The scene soothes a troubled spirit. No driving wind and tormented waves in this work.